Business Functions Library for Excel

    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. DYear
      3. DMonth
      4. DateYMD
      5. DateSeqNum
      6. IsSeqDate
      7. DayName
      8. MonthName
      9. IsLeap
      10. DaysInMonth
      11. IsAnniversary
      12. WeekNumber
      13. WeekNumberToDate
      14. MonthStart
      15. MonthEnd
      16. NumPers
      17. MostRecent
      18. MostImminent
      19. TimeBaseLengths
      20. AnnSeq
      21. CreateTimeBase
      1. Introduction
      2. DiffY
      3. DiffM
      4. DiffD
      5. DiffP
      1. Introduction
      2. DpY
      3. DpM
      4. DpD
      5. DpP
      6. PrevDateSeq
      7. NextDateSeq
      8. PrevDateList
      9. NextDateList
      10. NextDateCombine
      11. DatePer
      12. EDateBF
      13. DateSeq
      14. DateSeqCombine
      1. Introduction
      2. TpY
      3. TpM
      4. TpD
      5. Occurs
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. DpYBD
      3. DpMBD
      4. DpDBD
      5. NextBD
      6. PrevBD
      7. NextDateSeqBD
      8. PrevDateSeqBD
      9. IsBD
      10. NetWorkDaysBF
      11. NextDateListBD
      12. PrevDateListBD
      1. Introduction
      2. Holiday
      3. DescribeHol
      4. WhatHol
      5. IsHol
      6. IsWE
      7. WesternEaster
      8. CreateDate
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. MkPmtsSeq
      3. MkPmts
      4. MkPmtsGrow
      5. MkPmtsFcst
      6. MkPmtsSF
      7. MkPmtsLim
      8. MkPmtsLag
      9. MkPmtsLagProf
      10. RePhasePmts
      11. TotPmts
      12. TotPmtsSF
      13. SumBetween
      14. DoBetween
      15. MatchPmts
      16. CarryNeg
      17. CarryPos
      18. MkPmtsX
      19. MkPmtsLagX
      20. MkPmtsIdx
      21. MkPmtsCats
      22. MkPmtsGroup
      1. Introduction
      2. MkPmtsPer
      3. MkPmtsPerGrow
      4. MkPmtsPerFcst
      5. MkPmtsIdxPer
      1. Introduction
      2. MkPmtsGrowMkt
      3. MkPmtsFcstMkt
      4. MkPmtsPerGrowMkt
      5. MkPmtsPerFcstMkt
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. GSpread
      3. UniSpread
      4. UniSpreadGrow
      5. SCurve
      6. SCurveGrow
      7. DistSpread
      8. FStepSpread
      9. TStepSpread
      10. MkPmtsWeighted
      11. SCumCurve
      1. Introduction
      2. UniSpreadPer
      3. SCurvePer
      4. SCurveGrowPer
      5. UniSpreadGrowPer
      1. Introduction
      2. WeightSpread
      3. FWeightSpread
      4. TWeightSpread
      1. Introduction
      2. UniSpreadH
      3. SCurveH
      4. WeightSpreadH
      5. FWeightSpreadH
      6. TWeightSpreadH
      7. DistSpreadH
      8. GSpreadH
      9. UniSpreadAdj
      10. SCurveAdj
      11. WeightSpreadAdj
      12. FWeightSpreadAdj
      13. TWeightSpreadAdj
      14. DistSpreadAdj
      15. GSpreadAdj
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. Con
      3. ConGrow
      4. AnnGrow
      5. RePhaseCon
      6. AnnRate
      7. ConSF
      8. ConIdx
      9. ConEvent
      1. Introduction
      2. ConPer
      3. AnnGrowPer
      4. ConGrowPer
      1. Introduction
      2. ConGrowMkt
      3. ConFcstMkt
      4. ConFcstGrowMkt
      1. Introduction
      2. ConRevGrow2
      3. ConRev
      4. ConRevGrow
      5. ConRevFcst
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. FStep
      3. FStepGrow
      4. FStepGrowX
      5. FStepThenGrow
      6. FStepFcst
      7. FStepGrown
      8. FStepSF
      9. FStepCombine
      10. MultiFStep
      1. Introduction
      2. TStep
      3. TStepGrow
      4. TStepGrowX
      5. TStepThenGrow
      6. TStepFcst
      7. TStepGrown
      8. TStepSF
      9. TStepCombine
      10. MultiTStep
      1. Introduction
      2. FStepGrowMkt
      3. FStepFcstMkt
      4. TStepGrowMkt
      5. TStepFcstMkt
      1. Introduction
      2. FStepRev
      3. TStepRev
      4. FStepRevGrow
      5. FStepRevFcst
      6. TStepRevGrow
      7. TStepRevFcst
      8. FStepThenGrowRev
      9. TStepThenGrowRev
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. FittedRate
      3. Ramp
      1. Introduction
      2. InterpedLevel
      3. FittedLevel
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. Bal
      3. Level
      4. FLevels
      5. TLevels
      6. FLevelsGrow
      7. TLevelsGrow
      8. FLevelsFcst
      9. TLevelsFcst
      10. FLevelsCombine
      11. FLevelsThenGrow
      12. TLevelsThenGrow
      1. Introduction
      2. FLevelsGrowMkt
      3. TLevelsGrowMkt
      4. FLevelsFcstMkt
      5. TLevelsFcstMkt
      1. Introduction
      2. Grow
      3. GrowFromTo
      4. FGrowStep
      5. TGrowStep
      6. FGrowStepMkt
      7. TGrowStepMkt
      8. GrowMkt
      9. GrowLin
      1. Introduction
      2. Fcst
      3. FcstGrow
      4. FcstCollar
      5. SumFcst
      6. FFcstStep
      7. TFcstStep
      8. IdxFromTo
      1. Introduction
      2. FcstT
      3. TFcstT
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. ALevel
      3. FALevels
      4. TALevels
      5. FALevelsGrow
      6. TALevelsGrow
      7. FALevelsFcst
      8. TALevelsFcst
      9. FALevelsThenGrow
      10. TALevelsThenGrow
      11. ALevelGrow
      1. Introduction
      2. FALevelsGrowMkt
      3. TALevelsGrowMkt
      4. FALevelsFcstMkt
      5. TALevelsFcstMkt
      1. Introduction
      2. AGrow
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. PVCon
      3. PVAnnGrow
      4. PVConGrow
      5. PVConQ
      1. Introduction
      2. PVTStep
      3. PVTStepQ
      4. PVTStepIC
      5. PVTStepICQ
      6. PVFStep
      7. PVFStepIC
      8. PVFStepQ
      9. PVFStepICQ
      1. Introduction
      2. PVMkPmtsSF
      3. PVMkPmts
      1. Introduction
      2. PVGSpread
      3. PVUniSpread
      4. PVSCurve
      5. PVSCurveGrow
      6. PVDistSpread
      7. PVFStepSpread
      8. PVTStepSpread
      9. PVMkPmtsWeighted
      10. PVSCumCurve
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. SimpleToSimple
      3. SimpleToAER
      4. SimpleToCont
      5. SimpleToDF
      6. AERToSimple
      7. AERToCont
      8. AERToDF
      9. ContToSimple
      10. ContToAER
      11. ContToDF
      12. DFToSimple
      13. DFToAER
      14. DFToCont
      1. Introduction
      2. SimpleToSimpleX
      3. SimpleToAERX
      4. SimpleToContX
      5. SimpleToDFX
      6. AERToSimpleX
      7. ContToSimpleX
      8. DFToSimpleX
      9. RateConvert
      1. Introduction
      2. FVM
      3. PVM
      4. PmtM
      5. TermM
      6. IntRateM
      7. PVEGAnn
      8. PVEGAnnM
      9. PVEGPerAnn
      10. PVEGPerp
      11. PVEGPerpM
      12. PVEGPerPerp
      13. SumEGAnn
      14. SumEGAnnM
      15. SumEGAnnCont
      16. SumLGAnn
      17. SumLGAnnM
      18. SumLGAnnCont
      1. Introduction
      2. PVBF
      3. PMTBF
      4. RateBF
      1. Introduction
      2. APRToQuoted
      3. QuotedToAPR
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. PVOne
      3. FPVOne
      4. TPVOne
      5. PVOneQ
      1. Introduction
      2. PVA
      3. IRRA
      4. PayBackA
      5. PayBackDiscA
      6. DurationA
      7. AvLifeA
      1. Introduction
      2. PVE
      3. IRRE
      4. PaybackE
      5. PayBackDiscE
      6. DurationE
      7. AvLifeE
      1. Introduction
      2. PVT
      3. IRRT
      4. PayBackT
      5. PayBackDiscT
      6. DurationT
      7. AvLifeT
      8. PVTIC
      9. IRRTIC
      10. PVTX
      11. IRRTX
      12. PVTCX
      13. IRRTCX
      14. PVTR
      15. IRRTR
      1. Introduction
      2. NPVM
      3. IRRM
      4. CorrectionM
      5. CorrectionCont
      6. CorrectionDC
      7. DurationM
      8. AvLifeM
      9. EffTimeM
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. Depreciate
      3. DepreciatedValue
      4. DepPoolWIP
      5. DepPoolRatio
      6. DepPool
      7. DepreciatePer
      8. DepreciateGrowPer
      9. DepreciateFcstPer
      10. DepreciateIdxPer
      11. LIFOPrice
      12. LIFOCalc
      1. Introduction
      2. FAvRate
      3. TAvRate
      4. FAvRateTD
      5. TAvRateTD
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. LinReg
      3. BestPoly
      4. SignChanges
      5. RSqrdPoly
      6. PolyEqn
      7. CalcPoly
      8. PolyReg
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. LookupNum
      3. LookupN
      4. SeekNum
      5. PickNum
      6. SortPick
      7. LookUpNum2D
      8. PickMatrix
      9. LookupNIndex
      10. Seek
      11. SeekList
      12. SortNum
      13. FindIf
      1. Introduction
      2. DoBetweenX
      3. SumCat
      4. SumCats
      5. SumPos
      6. SumNeg
      7. SumDiv
      8. SumBounds
      9. SumSubRange
      10. SumCombine
      11. SelCats
      1. Introduction
      2. Coordinates
      3. WorkSheetName
      4. RefPlus
      5. GetRef
      1. Introduction
      2. MinBetween
      3. MaxBetween
      4. MeanNZ
      5. WeightAv
      1. Introduction
      2. RangeDir
      1. Introduction
      2. SortText
      3. ApplyToList
      4. CombineLists
      5. TransposeNum
      6. Unique
      1. Introduction
      2. Interp
      3. Interpolate
      4. InterpDate
      5. InterpolateDate
      6. Intersection
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. Distribution
      3. PartialDependency
      4. DistCumulative
      5. DistUniform
      6. DistTriangular
      7. DistDoubleTri
      8. DistNormal
      9. DistLogNormal
      10. RandNum
      11. NRandom
      12. PickRandom
      13. DescribeDistType
      14. CumProb
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. RentGrow
      3. RentFcst
      1. Introduction
      2. FStepRent
      3. FStepRentGrow
      4. FStepRentFcst
      5. FStepRentFcstCollar
      1. Introduction
      2. TStepRent
      3. TStepRentGrow
      4. TStepRentFcst
      5. TStepRentGrowCollar
      6. TStepRentFcstCollar
      1. Introduction
      2. RentFcstR
      3. RentGrowR
      4. FStepRentGrowR
      5. FStepRentFcstR
      6. TStepRentGrowR
      7. TStepRentFcstR
      8. TStepRentGrowSFR
      9. FStepRentGrowSFR
      10. TStepRentFcstSFR
      11. FStepRentFcstSFR
      1. Introduction
      2. CapValue
      3. EqYield
      4. CapValueG
      5. EqYieldG
      6. CapValueGD
      7. EqYieldGD
      8. NomToTrue
      9. TrueToNom
      10. YPP
      11. YPPDef
      12. YPA
      13. YPADef
      14. CapValueGrowGD
      15. CapValueFcstGD
      16. EqYieldGrowGD
      17. EqYieldFcstGD
      1. Introduction
      2. CapValueDCF
      3. EqYieldDCF
      4. CapValueDCFG
      5. EqYieldDCFG
      6. CapValueDCFGD
      7. EqYieldDCFGD
      8. NomToTrueDCF
      9. TrueToNomDCF
      10. YPADefDCF
      11. YPPDefDCF
      12. TheorYield
      13. ImpGrowth
      14. ImpDiscRate
      15. PVRent
      16. TWRR
      1. Introduction
      2. PVRentGrow
      3. PVRentFcst
      4. PVTStepRent
      5. PVTStepRentGrow
      6. PVTStepRentFcst
      7. PVTStepRentGrowR
      8. PVTStepRentFcstR
      9. PVTStepRentGrowIC
      10. PVTStepRentGrowRIC
      11. PVTStepIdxRentGrowR
      12. PVTStepIdxRentFcstR
      1. Introduction
      2. TStepGTurnRentGrow
      3. TStepGTurnRentGrowR
      1. Introduction
      2. IdxRentGrowR
      3. IdxRentFcstR
      4. IdxRentGrowMktR
      5. IdxRentFcstMktR
      6. TStepIdxRentGrowR
      7. TStepIdxRentFcstR
      1. Introduction
      2. LetCostR
      3. LetCostRQ
      4. LeasingFeeGrowR
      5. FServChargeR
      6. ServChargeGrowR
      7. ServChargeFcstR
      8. FServChargeGrowR
      9. FVacServChargeR
      10. VacServChargeGrowR
      11. VacServChargeFcstR
      12. LeasingFeeFcstR
      1. Introduction
      2. UKRatesGrow
      3. UKRatesFcst
      4. UKRatesGrowR
      5. UKRatesFcstR
      6. UKEmptyRatesFcstR
      7. UKEmptyRatesGrowR
      1. Introduction
      2. LeaseEnd
      3. ReletOccurs
      4. RentDateInfo
      5. RentEventOccurs
      6. RentEvent
      7. LastReview
      8. NextReview
      9. LastReviewR
      10. NextReviewR
      11. LeaseInfo
      12. Occupancy
      13. LeaseDates
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. Interest
      3. FInterest
      4. TInterest
      5. TotInterestSF
      6. InterestX
      7. PVFInterest
      8. PVInterestX
      9. PVInterest
      1. Introduction
      2. ZeroCoupon
      3. FutureToSpot
      4. SpotToSpot
      1. Introduction
      2. Loan
      3. LoanX
      4. LoanLin
      5. LoanLinX
      6. Mortgage
      7. MortgageQ
      8. LoanPool
      9. MortgagePool
      10. IdxBondGrow
      11. IdxBondFcst
      1. Introduction
      2. Overdraft
      3. CashAcct
      4. FlexAcct
      5. CurrentAcct
      6. STDAcct
      7. LoanAcct
      8. LoanAcctEM
      1. Introduction
      2. BetaIndex
      3. BetaReturns
      4. DescribeReturn
      5. TotalReturn
      1. Introduction
      2. OptionBS
      3. OptionBinom
      4. OptionMonte
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. STOIIP
      1. Introduction
      2. Decline
      3. DeclineRate
      4. DescribeDecline
      5. ProdProf
      6. AbandonDate
      7. StartDecline
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. MoneyText
      1. Introduction
      2. GetToken
      3. GetTokens
      4. InString
      5. ExInt
      6. ExFl
    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction
      2. StdEq
      3. DiffGaps
      4. AddGaps
      1. Introduction
      2. SRound
      3. SFloor
      4. SCeiling
      5. RoundWeekDay
      6. RoundMonthDay
      7. RoundMD
      8. RoundDateSeq
      9. DateRound
      10. DateFloor
      11. DateCeiling
      12. Disperse
      13. RoundList
      1. Introduction
      2. BFVer
      3. DescribeLoanAcctOutput
      4. DescribeCombineSwitch
      5. DescribePmtsPerYear
      6. DescribeLevelSwitch
      7. DescribeBD
      8. DescribeDayCount
      9. DescribePeriods
      10. DescribeLookup
      11. DescribeRounding
      12. DescribeLoanOutput
      13. DescribeShape
      14. ArgValues
      1. Introduction
      2. Switch
      3. SwitchR
      4. SwitchT
      5. SwitchRT
      6. IfElse
      7. IfElseR
      8. IfElseT
      9. IfElseRT
      1. Introduction
      2. CollarDate
      3. InBetween
      4. Collar
      1. Introduction
      2. Ev
Basic Interest Rate Conversions family
Converting between different kinds of interest rate compounding
Description: Do calculations and conversions between different types of interest rates.
Introduction: There are three main ways interest rates are commonly described:

  1. Simple Interest Rate. This is where the interest rate described by dividing the actual interest paid by the product of the Principal and the fraction of a year represented by the time period. In other words, R = I /PT, or I = P x T x R where I is the total interest paid, R is interest rate per annum, P is the principal and T is time expressed as a fraction of a year. If interest is paid more than once per year, the effective interest rate is somewhat higher than the quoted interest rate.
  2. AER or "Annual Equivalent Rate". Also known as the "effective" or "annual effective" rate. This is where the interest rate is described as the simple interest rate that would be appropriate if interest had been paid annually in arrears. By quoting this rate the periodicity of the payments does not need to be quoted just to compare the economics of different AER"s, and comparison is the main reason for the use of AER"s. The AER is usually higher than Simple Interest because Simple Interest is usually paid at smaller intervals than yearly.
  3. Continuous Rate. Another way of providing a level basis for comparing interest rates is to assume that payments are made continuously, perhaps best envisaged as having interest paid every day. Using continuous rates has the same advantage as AER"s in that there is no need to quote the periodicity of payments to make a comparison, the rate is continuous.

A fourth way of dealing with time value of money calculations is to simply calculate the difference in time value between two dates, known as a discount factor. This turns out to be a very good way of working because it avoids the question of "was that simple, AER or continuous".

This family converts between all these four methods of calculating interest and time value of money calculations.
The main functions of interest are self-explanatory:

PmtsPerYear, DayCount and Periods

  • All the functions mentioned above that require information about periodicity (ie the ones that involve Simple Interest) use a variable called PmtsPerYear to describe this. A value of -4 indicates quarterly in arrears, -1 is annually in arrears and +2 would be biannually in advance (interest in advance of course rarely happens for lending or borrowing situations, but where rents or finance rents it can be of relevance).
  • The functions involving discount factors ...DF... require the determination of a length of time in years between FromDate and the ToDate. The functions permit this through the use the DayCount which enables you to decide whether you want the length of time in years between the FromDate and ToDate to measured in a specific DayCount convention or in the default ACT/ACTM. Additionally, you can specify Periods for ACT/ACT (in period).
  • Be careful when using SimpleToDF and DFToSimple not to confuse Periods and PmtsPerYear. Periods relates to the length of time between FromDate and ToDate, PmtsPerYear refers to the periodicity of simple interest.
  • Whilst it might be useful and more accurate in some circumstances to be more specific than PmtsPerYear to specify simple interest payments, doing so would mean that we could not use annuity formulae because of the irregular periods and we would have to adopt a longhand approach to interest compounding which would be less transparent. For functions that use detailed DayCount and Periods definitions see the Advanced Interest Rate Conversions Family.
Functions in the Basic Interest Rate Conversions family (13)
  • SimpleToSimple Converts a simple interest from one PmtsPerYear basis to another
  • SimpleToAER Convert a simple interest rate to an AER (annual equivalent rate)
  • SimpleToCont Convert a simple interest rate to a Continuous Interest Rate
  • SimpleToDF Convert a simple interest rate to a discount factor
  • AERToSimple Convert an AER (annual equivalent rate) to a simple interest rate
  • AERToCont Convert an AER (annual equivalent rate) to a Continuous Interest Rate
  • AERToDF Convert an AER (annual equivalent rate) to a discount factor
  • ContToSimple Convert a continuous interest rate to a simple interest rate
  • ContToAER Convert a Continuous Interest Rate to an AER (annual equivalent rate)
  • ContToDF Convert a continuous interest rate to a discount factor
  • DFToSimple Convert a discount factor to a simple interest rate
  • DFToAER Convert a discount factor to an AER (annual equivalent rate)
  • DFToCont Convert a discount factor to a continuous interest rate

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